VAZ 2101, 2102
1. Specifications
2. Operation and service
3. The engine
4. Fuel system
5. Ignition system
6. Start and gymnastics system
7. Transmission
7.1. Coupling
7.2. A transmission
7.3. Kardannaja transfer
7.4. The back bridge
7.4.1. Features of the device
7.4.2. Removal and installation of the back bridge
7.4.3. Dismantling and assemblage of the back bridge
7.4.4. Check of a beam of the back bridge
7.4.5. Editing of a beam of the back bridge
7.4.6. Semiaxes
7.4.7. A reducer Definition of malfunctions of a reducer on noise Reducer removal Reducer installation Reducer dismantling Check of a technical condition of details of a reducer Reducer assemblage
7.4.8. Differential assemblage
7.4.9. Installation and adjustment of a leading gear wheel
7.4.10. Adjustment of bearings of a leading gear wheel
7.4.11. Installation of a box of differential
7.4.12. A tightness of bearings of a box of differential and adjustment of a lateral backlash
7.4.13. Check of contact of teeths of gear wheels of the main transfer
7.4.14. Replacement of an epiploon of a leading gear wheel
7.4.15. Possible malfunctions of the back bridge
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. An electric equipment
12. A body
13. Features of repair
14. Appendices


7-4-7-1-opredelenie-neispravnostejj-reduktora-po-shumu.html Definition of malfunctions of a reducer on noise

Test №1
1. Distinctly to define character of noise, conduct the car on highway with a speed approximately 20 km/h.
2. Then gradually increase speed to 90 km/h, listening simultaneously to various kinds of noise and noticing speed at which they appear and disappear.
3. Release a pedal of management throttle заслонкой and, without притормаживания, will reduce speed the engine.
4. During delay watch noise change, and also behind the moment when noise amplifies. Usually noise arises and disappears at the same speeds both at acceleration, and at delay.
The prevention

At ignition deenergizing be attentive and accurate. Do not turn a key more than it is necessary. It can lead to antijoy ride device operation.

Test №2
5. Disperse the car approximately to 100 km/h, put the gear change lever in neutral position, switch off ignition and give the chance to the car to slide freely to a stop; watch character of noise on various speeds of delay.
6. The noise noticed during test and corresponding noticed at first test, proceeds not from gear wheels of the main transfer as they without loading cannot give noise.
7. On the contrary, the noise which is noted at the first test and not repeating at second, can proceed from gear wheels of a reducer or bearings of a leading gear wheel or differential.
Test №3
8. At the motionless and braked car include the engine and, increasing gradually its turns, compare the arisen noise with noticed in the previous tests. The noise, appeared similar to noise of test №1, will specify that they are not reducer noise at test №1 and are caused by other knots.
Test №4
9. The noise which found out at the first test and have not repeated at subsequent, proceed from a reducer; for acknowledgement, lift back wheels, get the engine and include the fourth transfer. Thus it is possible to be convinced that noise really proceed from a reducer, instead of from other knots, for example, suspension brackets or bodies.

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7.4.7. A reducer
The following page» Reducer removal