7.4.4. Check of a beam of the back bridgeCarefully check up a technical condition of a beam, especially at the car repairs, had an accident. The deformed beam can be at the bottom of noise of the back bridge and the accelerated deterioration of tyres.
Deformation of a beam of the bridge check both in horizontal, and in vertical planes.
1. Having attached to each end of a beam flange А.70172, establish a beam flanges on the identical prisms located on a verifying plate in length not less 1600 mm so that a surface прилегания картера to a beam was in a vertical plane. |
2. Check up beam deformation, putting a square to external (drawing at the left) and lateral (drawing on the right) to surfaces of flange А.70172; if the beam is not deformed, the square will adjoin densely. |
3. Deformation size check щупом. If щуп 0,2 mm pass on any flange, it is necessary to correct a beam. |
4. A square check up perpendicularity of a surface of fastening of a reducer, concerning a basic surface of flange А.70172. Щуп 0,2 mm should not pass.
5. Turn a bridge beam on 90 ° and establish it on prisms. Enclosed the square should adjoin to an external surface of a flange densely, otherwise, check up deformation size щупом. Щуп 0,2 mm should not pass.
6. At the deformation exceeding the specified size, correct a beam, adhering to instructions (subsection 7.4.5 see). |
7. After performance of all editings, carefully wash out a beam, a magnetic stopper clear, establish into place and check up:
– Quality of welded seams and tightness of a beam;
– Cleanliness in a beam (absence of agnails, a shaving and the oil rests) and cleanliness сапуна beams. |
8. After that a beam paint outside for protection from corrosion. |