7-4-6-5-zamer-osevogo-svobodnogo-khoda-poluosi-na-avtomobile.html Gauging of an axial free wheeling of a semiaxis on the carGauging axial люфта semiaxes with the removed wheel and a brake drum
1 – the indicator;
2 – the adaptation 02.7834.9504 |
The axial free wheeling of a semiaxis can be measured on the car as with the removed wheel and a brake drum, and without their removal. In the first case gauging turns out more exact. For what:
– Remove caps from back wheels and ослабьте bolts of their fastening;
– Put an emphasis under forward wheels and will hang out the back bridge;
– Lower a lay brake and establish the gear change lever in neutral position;
– Remove wheels and brake drums;
– Tighten to a semiaxis the adaptation 02.7834.9504;
– Pass through one or the other big apertures of a semiaxis the extension piece of a leg of the indicator 1 against the stop in a board of a brake or in маслоотражатель and fix the indicator;
– Make gauging by the indicator, putting to a flange of a semiaxis effort nearby 49 Н (5 кгс) in both directions, along an axis of the back bridge. The free wheeling should not exceed 0,7 mm.
Gauging of a free wheeling of a semiaxis without removal of a wheel and a brake drum make, as it is described above, taking into account following features:
– The adaptation 02.7834.9504 fix, using one of apertures under bolts of fastening of a wheel;
– A leg of the extension piece of the indicator pass through other aperture under a bolt of fastening of a wheel;
– The effort put to a wheel along an axis of the back bridge, should be nearby 98 Н (10 кгс), a semiaxis free wheeling – to 0,7 mm.