7.1.2. Adjustment of a drive of deenergizing of couplingIn a drive of deenergizing of coupling following adjustments are carried out:
– The backlash of 0,1-0,5 mm between a pusher and the piston of the main cylinder (fig. the Pedal and the main cylinder of a drive of coupling see) is established. This backlash necessary for full deenergizing of coupling, is regulated by the terminator of 14 pedals of coupling. The backlash is defined by the free wheeling of a pedal equal of 0,4-2 mm;
– The free wheeling of a pusher of the working cylinder, equal 4–5 mm, is regulated by a nut 5 (fig. the Working cylinder and a plug of deenergizing of coupling see) which is fixed by a counternut 6. The size of a free wheeling of a pusher is supervised by a special template.
After performance of the specified adjustments the free wheeling of a pedal of coupling, prior to the beginning of coupling deenergizing, should make 25–35 mm.