3.11.1. Features of the deviceThe basic sizes of a head of cylinders, valves and directing plugs
The head of cylinders – the general for four cylinders, is cast from an aluminium alloy. It unified, i.e. identical to engines 2101, 21011 and 2103.
In a head of cylinders запрессованы pig-iron saddles and направляюшие plugs of valves. Working facets of saddles are processed after запрессовки in gathering with a head of cylinders to provide exact соосность facets with apertures of directing plugs of valves.
Apertures in plugs are processed also after запрессовки plugs in a head of cylinders. It becomes for maintenance of accuracy of diameter of an aperture and its arrangement in relation to working facets of a saddle and the valve. In apertures of directing plugs there are spiral flutes for greasing. At plugs of inlet valves of a flute are cut to half of length of an aperture, and at plugs of final valves – on all length of an aperture.
From above directing plugs are put on маслоотражательные caps from тепломаслостойкой rubbers with steel арматурным a ring. Caps cover cores of valves and serve for reduction of penetration of oil in the combustion chamber through backlashes between the directing plug and a valve core.
Each valve has two cylindrical springs: external and internal, leaning against two basic washers. At the top of a spring rest against a plate which is kept on a core of the valve by two crackers having in the combined kind the form of the truncated cone.