3.13.1. Features of the deviceCooling system
1 – a pipe of tap of a liquid from a heater and carburettor radiator in the pump of a cooling liquid;
2 – a pipe of tap of a hot liquid from a head of cylinders in a heater radiator;
3 – перепускной a thermostat hose;
4 – a final branch pipe of a shirt of cooling;
5 – a bringing hose of a radiator;
6 – a broad tank;
7 – a cooling shirt;
8 – a radiator stopper;
9 – a radiator; |
10 – a fan casing;
11 – the fan;
12 – a pulley of a drive of the fan and the pump of a cooling liquid;
13 – a taking away hose of a radiator;
14 – a belt of a drive of the pump;
15 – the pump;
16 – a hose of giving of a cooling liquid in the pump;
17 – the thermostat;
Cтрелками the direction of movement of a liquid is specified. |
Cooling system – liquid, the closed type, with compulsory circulation of a liquid, with a broad tank.
The prevention Level of a cooling liquid is recommended to be checked on the cold engine as at heating its volume increases, and at the heated-up engine liquid level can rise considerably.
The pump of a cooling liquid of centrifugal type, is put in action from a pulley of a cranked shaft клиновым by a belt 14.
The fan 11 has plastic четырехлопастную крыльчатку, established on a nave of a pulley of the pump of a cooling liquid.
The thermostat 17 with firm thermosensitive наполнителем has the basic 9 (fig. the Thermostat see) and additional 2 valves. The beginning of opening of the basic valve at temperature охлаждаюшей liquids 77–86 ° With, a course of the basic valve not less than 6 mm.
Radiator – vertical, trubchato-lamellar, with two numbers of tubes and steel лужеными plates. In a stopper 8 jellied mouths are available inlet and final valves.