1. Put labels (a paint or a core), defining mutual position of divided details to connect them at assemblage in the same position and to keep invariable balancing of shaft. |
2. Establish in a vice forward карданный a shaft. Remove lock rings. |
The prevention Before dismantling карданных hinges put labels on lock rings and corresponding plugs that at assemblage to establish rings on former places.
3. Выпрессуйте cases of bearings from a plug карданного the hinge, using a clamp 3 67.7823.9522 (1 needle bearing, 2 – a plug карданного the hinge) or выколотку with a hammer. |
4. Turn away a nut of fastening of a plug карданного the hinge to a forward shaft. Remove a plug a stripper 1 А.40005/1/5 (2 – stripper levers; 3 – a plug forward карданного a shaft; 4 – forward карданный a shaft). |
5. Under a press, with the help подкладных half rings, remove from a forward shaft an intermediate support in a complex with the bearing and пылеотражателем (1 – шлицевой the end forward карданного a shaft; 2 – an intermediate elastic support; 3 – подкладные half rings; 4 – a press punch). |
6. For dismantling of an intermediate support remove a lock ring (1 – a lock ring; 2 – the bearing; 3 – an elastic support). |
7. Stripper А.40005/2/4/11 выпрессуйте the bearing from a support (1 – lath А.40005/2; 2 – pads А.40005/11; 3 – stripper А.40005/4; 4 – a pad; 5 – an elastic support). |
8. Disassemble a back shaft, using the above described receptions. |