2.1.5. Safety measures at car operationThe car is easy in management, possesses high dynamic and high-speed qualities. Nevertheless do not hasten to use completely these qualities, yet we will not get confidence of its driving and will not adapt to its "character".
Do not exceed the loading of the car specified in a management. The overload leads to damage of elements of a forward suspension bracket, to a bend of a beam of the back bridge, premature deterioration of tyres, to vibration of a body and loss of stability of the car. The weight of cargo with a luggage carrier established on a roof of the car, should not exceed 50 kg without excess of useful loading.
The soft suspension bracket of the car well absorbs fluctuations and at fast driving on rough road. However sharp blows can deform axes of the bottom levers and put out of action other details of a running gear of the car. Therefore at movement on such roads do not develop a great speed.
Regularly check a condition of protective rubber covers of spherical support and protective caps of hinges of steering draughts. If the cover or a cap is damaged, water and a dirt that causes its strengthened deterioration and destruction gets into the hinge. The damaged cover or a cap replace new.
For greasing of knots and units, refuellings of a fuel tank apply the materials recommended by factory. Non-observance of the made recommendation will entail premature failure of units of the car. Especially it is necessary to remember that gasoline АИ-93 painted in orange-red colour, этилированный. Etilirovannyj gasoline is poisonous. Therefore do not suppose its hit on a skin of hands, clothes, a salon upholstery, and also to spend any works in which result этилированный gasoline or its steams could get to an oral cavity.
Do not include a starter at the working engine. It can lead to breakage of teeths приводной a gear wheel or a flywheel.
It is not supposed to touch by means of a starter the car from a place. Car movement begin on the first transfer at completely lowered lever of a lay brake. Remember that the fulfilled gases are poisonous. Therefore the premise where start-up and engine warming up is made, should be ventilated well.
In a cold season before inclusion of screen wipers be convinced that brushes have not frozen to glasses. Non-observance of this recommendation can result not only in breakage of brushes, but also to failure of their electric drives.
Do not suppose operation of the car with burning control lamp of insufficient pressure of oil. Lamp fire is supposed at the minimum frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft on an idling mode. At increase of frequency the lamp should die away. Lamp fire on engine operating conditions specifies in insufficient pressure in greasing system.
Operation of tyres with the pressure different from recommended, leads to their premature deterioration, and also to deterioration of stability and controllability of the car.
Constantly watch cleanliness of plugs and clips of the storage battery and behind reliability of their connections. Remember that oxidation of plugs and clips, and also their negligent connection, cause искрение in a place of unreliable contact that can lead to failure of elements of an electric chain of system of ignition.
At installation of the storage battery on the car watch that wires have been connected according to specified on their tips and plugs of the battery polarity (the positive plug more negative).
At a charge of the storage battery directly on the car from an extraneous source of a current necessarily disconnect it from the generator. The storage battery incorporates to the plug «30» generators a positive wire (a tip «+»). Do not define working capacity of the generator short circuit накоротко its plug «30» on weight or on the plug «67» (for check «on a spark»).
On the car the coil of ignition which has no additional resistance is established; therefore do not close накоротко the plug of the coil of ignition for simplification of start-up of the engine the handle as it will lead to damage of a spring of mobile contact of the breaker-distributor of ignition and to failure of a contact part of the switch of ignition.
That has not fused the fuse and contacts of a regulator of pressure have not been damaged:
– Do not check working capacity of a regulator of pressure short circuit накоротко its plugs «15» and «67»;
– Do not interchange the position of the wires going to plugs «15» and «67»;
– Do not interchange the position of a wire intended for connection to the plug of "67" generators, and a wire serving for connection with the centre of a star of the generator (the plug not marked).