2.1.2. Car movementThe gear change scheme
In drawing the scheme of switching four-stage () and five-step () transmissions is shown. |
Car movement is recommended to be begun on the heated-up engine. If at you such possibility is not present also warming up of the engine you spend at car movement at low temperature of air and after long parking some time for the lowest transfers with low frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine is recommended to move. In process of oil warming up in a transmission and the back bridge consistently pass to the higher transfers.
For movement by a backing press the gear change lever, having drowned it against the stop, and translate in the position corresponding to inclusion of a reverse gear. A reverse gear include only at completely stopped car.
During movement do not exceed even on descent of as much as possible admissible speeds of the movement designated on a speedometer by red labels near to figures 40, to 60 and 100, corresponding 1st, 2nd and 3rd transfers.
During movement watch work of various knots on corresponding devices and control lamps. In normal conditions all lamps of red colour should not burn. Their inclusion signals about necessity of check of the corresponding knot.
After overcoming of fords, and also after a sink of the car or at long movement on wet road when water gets to brake mechanisms of wheels, make at movement some smooth braking of the car to dry disks, drums and brake overlays.
At movement on pools reduce speed in order to avoid hydroplaning which can cause drift or management loss. The worn out tyres increase such danger.
Whenever possible drive the car on moderate speeds. Sharp accelerations and delays, car movement on the raised speeds lead to fast deterioration of tyres and the fuel over-expenditure. The fuel expense also increases at insufficient pressure of air in tyres, at the worn out or polluted spark plugs, at wrong adjustment of system of idling of the carburettor.
The expense of fuel and deterioration of tyres increases and at trailer towing. Besides, at trailer towing loadings on a body, the engine and transmission that reduces their resource increase.