2.1.1. Engine start-upThe fuel pump
After long parking of the car before engine start-up it is recommended to pump up fuel in поплавковую the carburettor chamber for what some times press the lever of 1 manual pumping of fuel. |
At temperature 25 ° With and more low, and also during strong snowfalls for more intensive warming up of the engine and preservation of its thermal mode a radiator lattice it is recommended to close a minus a protective apron.
Start-up of the cold engine
1. Establish the gear change lever in neutral position and extend the handle of management air заслонкой the carburettor. |
2. At very low temperature of air include for some seconds of a headlight for heating of electrolit in the storage battery and press a coupling pedal. |
3. Insert a key into the switch of ignition and include a starter, without pressing thus an accelerator pedal. If the engine does not start to work at the first attempt, switch off ignition and approximately through 30 with repeatedly include a starter. More than on 10 with to include a starter it is not recommended. |
4. After engine start-up release the ignition key which will automatically come back in position «1». At steady work of the engine after start-up smoothly release a pedal of coupling and, gradually in process of growth of frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft, drown the handle of management air заслонкой the carburettor. |
Start-up of the hot engine
At the hot engine the handle of management air заслонки the carburettor should be drowned. Before engine start-up smoothly press an accelerator pedal approximately on third of its course. After start-up as soon as the engine will start to work trouble-free, gradually release a pedal. |