VAZ 2101, 2102
1. Specifications
2. Operation and service
3. The engine
4. Fuel system
5. Ignition system
6. Start and gymnastics system
6.1. The storage battery
6.2. The generator
6.2.1. A technical characteristics
6.2.2. Control checks of the generator Generator check on the car Generator check at the stand Generator check by an electronic oscillograph Check of a winding of excitation of a rotor Check статора Check of gates выпрямительного the block
6.2.3. Generator repair
6.2.4. A regulator of pressure РР–380
6.2.5. Possible malfunctions of the generator, their reason and elimination methods
6.3. A starter
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. An electric equipment
12. A body
13. Features of repair
14. Appendices


6-2-2-3-proverka-generatora-ehlektronnym-oscillografom.html Generator check by an electronic oscillograph

The form of a curve of the straightened pressure of the generator

I – the generator is serviceable;

II – the gate is punched;

III – breakage in a gate chain

The oscillograph allows under the form of a curve of the straightened pressure of the generator precisely and quickly to check up its serviceability and to define character of damage.

For check rotate a rotor of the generator with frequency of 1500-2000 mines-1, feeding a winding of excitation from the storage battery, but from a clip «30» battery disconnect.

At serviceable gates and a winding статора the curve of the straightened pressure has the sawtooth form with a uniform teeth.

If there is a breakage in a winding статора either breakage or short circuit in rectifier gates, the curve form sharply varies: uniformity of a teeth is broken and there are deep hollows.

«The previous page Generator check at the stand
The following page» Check of a winding of excitation of a rotor