8.1.7. Replacement резинометаллических hinges of levers on the carNecessity of replacement резинометаллических hinges define to the signs specified in subsection 8.1.2.
To replace hinges it is possible as directly on the car, and on the levers which have been removed from the car (subsection 8.1.6 see).
1. Put the car on a viewing ditch or the lift and will hang out a forward part of the car from outside where replacement will be made. Remove a wheel. |
2. Having turned away a nut, выпрессуйте a finger of the spherical hinge of steering draught stripper А.47052 also take away the free end of lateral draught back. |
3. Turn away a nut of fastening of the bottom lever of a suspension bracket to an axis and remove washers from both ends of an axis. |
4. Establish a glass of 3 adaptations 02.7823.9500 on a shelf of the lever 4 and screw the screw 1 on the end of an axis 6 (2 – a nut, 5 – the hinge). |
5. Keeping the screw 1 воротком and rotating a nut 2, shift an eye of the lever from an external holder of the hinge. Remove the adaptation and выпрессованный the hinge 5 from a lever axis. |
6. Giving ломиком or an assembly shovel to an eye of the lever position, концентричное with a lever axis, insert the new hinge into an aperture of an eye of the lever and put on an axis. |
7. Put on the end of an axis a ring of 2 adaptations 02.7823.9501 and insert an emphasis 5 between a shelf 4 and the nearest nut of fastening of an axis to a cross-beam of a forward suspension bracket (1 – a nut; 3 – the hinge; 4 – the bottom lever; 6 – an axis of the bottom lever). |
8. Rotating a nut 1 and holding an emphasis 5, запрессуйте the new hinge 3 in a lever eye. Remove the adaptation, establish a washer and a nut of fastening of the lever to an axis. A nut do not tighten. |
9. Similarly, others are replaced резинометаллические hinges of the bottom levers of a suspension bracket. |
10. After replacement of hinges, connect steering draught to the lever of a rotary fist, tighten and зашплинтуйте a nut of a spherical finger of steering draught, establish and fix a wheel. |
Replacement резинометаллических hinges of the top levers of a suspension bracket make by means of adaptation A.47046 in the same way, as well as on the removed levers (subsection 8.1.6 see), in a following order.
1. Put the car on a viewing ditch or the lift. |
2. Will hang out a jack a forward part of the car from outside where replacement will be made. |
3. Remove a wheel. |
4. Turn away a nut of an axis of the top lever and, having taken out an axis, develop the lever eyes outside. |
5. Establish on the lever a glass of 3 adaptations A.47046 with a nut 2 and a bolt 1 head in the lever. Rotating a nut 2, выпрессуйте the hinge 4, remove the adaptation and the hinge (5 – the top lever). |
6. Insert the new hinge into a lever eye, establish adaptation A.47046 so that the head of a bolt 1 has been directed outside and under a head there was a ring of 2 adaptations A.47046. Rotating a nut 6, запрессуйте the hinge 3 also remove the adaptation (4 – the top lever, 5 – adaptation A.47046 glass). |
7. Other hinges of the top levers of a forward suspension bracket are similarly replaced. |
8. After replacement of hinges turn the top lever eyes to a rack передка, pull it over a rack, insert an axis of the top lever, establish a washer and an axis nut, without tightening it it is definitive. |
9. Establish wheels, lower the car and tighten nuts of axes of levers. Before a tightening of nuts execute all operations described earlier (subsection 8.1.4 see). |
10. After replacement резинометаллические hinges follows «обмять», having made trial departure on 15–20 km, and without fail to check up, and if necessary, to adjust corners of installation of forward wheels. |