VAZ 2101, 2102
1. Specifications
2. Operation and service
3. The engine
4. Fuel system
5. Ignition system
6. Start and gymnastics system
6.1. The storage battery
6.2. The generator
6.2.1. A technical characteristics
6.2.2. Control checks of the generator
6.2.3. Generator repair
6.2.4. A regulator of pressure РР–380 Check and adjustment at the stand Definition of malfunctions of a regulator of pressure Repair of a regulator of pressure
6.2.5. Possible malfunctions of the generator, their reason and elimination methods
6.3. A starter
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. An electric equipment
12. A body
13. Features of repair
14. Appendices


6-2-4-1-proverka-i-regulirovka-na-stende.html Check and adjustment at the stand

The scheme of check of a regulator of pressure at the stand

1 – the voltmeter with a scale 15 In, an accuracy class not more low 0,5;
2 – the main switch;
3 – a pressure regulator;
4 – the generator;
5 – the ampermeter with a scale to 50 And;
6 – control lamps on 3 Vt, 12 In;
7 – a rheostat 5–30 And, 15 Vt;
8 – the rheostat switch;
9 – the switch of the storage battery;
10 – the storage battery

Data for check and adjustment

Adjustable pressure at regulator and environment temperature (50±3) ° With, In:
  – At the second step
14,2 ± 0,3
  – At the first step more low, than on the second, no more
Resistance between the tip «15» and weight, the Ohm
17,7 ± 2
Resistance between the tip «15» and the tip «67» at the opened contacts, the Ohm
5,65 ± 0,3
Air backlash between an anchor and the core, mm
1,4 ± 0,07
Distance between contacts of the second step, mm
0,45 ± 0,1

Regulator check and regulate at the stand having the generator, the storage battery, the thermostat and the electric motor with adjustable frequency of rotation in a wide range. A regulator with the closed cover establish at the stand tips downwards.

The scheme of electric connections of the stand is shown on fig. the Scheme of check of a regulator of pressure at the stand.

Special attention turn on reliability and the minimum resistance of connections of wires that wires from the switch 2 incorporated directly to a clip «30» generators and the tip «15» regulators, and the regulator case – directly with the generator case. All wires should be whenever possible shorter.

At control checks at the stand do not suppose work of a regulator with the disconnected storage battery since it can damage regulator contacts. Bulbs 6 supervise work of the generator and if it is serviceable, should have identical heat.

1. Before check a regulator warm up in the thermostat during 15–18 mines at (50±3) ° With, feeding a winding of a regulator with a current at pressure 12–13 V.Naprjazhenie it is established by a rheostat 7 at the included switches 2, 8, 9 and the idle generator.
2. Immediately after warming up start check and adjustment of 2nd, and then 1st steps and watch that the adjusted pressure was steady, i.e. sharply did not fluctuate.
The control of 2nd step
3. Establish frequency of rotation of a rotor of the generator of 5000 mines-1.
4. A rheostat 7 establish a current of loading of the generator 2–12 And.
5. Check up pressure of the generator which should be (14,2±0,3) Century
6. If it differs, stop the generator, disconnect the storage battery, uncover a regulator and, turning in an arm of a spring 10 (fig. the Regulator of pressure РР-380 see), ослабьте (if pressure high), or increase (if a low voltage) its tension.
7. Then establish into place a cover of a regulator and again check up pressure of 2nd step.
8. After the termination of check and adjustment of 2nd step immediately check up 1st step of regulation.
The control of 1st step
9. At frequency of rotation of a rotor of 5000 mines-1 a rheostat 7 (the Scheme of check of a regulator of pressure fig. see the stand) establish a current of loading 25–35 A.Pri it pressure should be no more than on 0,7 In more low value received at adjustment of 2nd step.
10. If pressure does not keep within these limits stop the generator, disconnect the storage battery, uncover a regulator, ослабьте a nut 4 (fig. the Regulator of pressure РР-380 see) and move a rack 6 on 0,1–0,2 mm.
11. When pressure raised, a rack shift downwards, and if lowered – upwards. Simultaneously shift a rack 5 to keep a backlash (0,45±0,1) mm between contacts of 2nd step. During this operation watch coincidence of axes of contacts of 1st and 2nd steps. Anchor contact should not fall outside the limits contacts on racks.
12. Tighten a nut 4, establish into place a cover, again check up a regulator (both 1st, and 2nd step) and if necessary repeat operations before reception of exact adjustment.
13. After the termination of adjustment a regulator cover carefully clear and establish on a hot regulator to reduce to a minimum moisture absorption.

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6.2.4. A regulator of pressure РР–380
The following page» Definition of malfunctions of a regulator of pressure