12.3. Paint and varnish coveringsFor preservation of a paint and varnish covering of a body long time and its maintenances in a good condition, is necessary to select the polishing means corresponding to a condition of a covering. Thus, it is necessary to observe recommendations about their application.
In first two-three months of operation of the car, wash a body with cold water. For polishing of a new covering (till three years) use безабразивные polishing means for new coverings.
At operation of the car from three till five years use автополироли for the exposed to the wind coverings, incorporating a small amount of abrasive substances; after five years of intensive operation apply автополироли to old coverings.
In avoidance of drying of a polyrole, polish a body with small sites manually a pure flannel.
For elimination of minor defects of a paint and varnish covering polishing pastes ПМА-1 or ПМА-2 can be used. It is possible to polish manually and mechanically, flannel or beaver-lamb circles.
Before the use paste mix, at загустении dilute with water. After polishing wipe a surface a pure flannel.