1. Before assemblage grease with engine oil screw шлицы an anchor and nave shaft обгонной муфты, a gear wheel and plugs of covers. A povodkovoe ring of a drive grease консистентной with greasing Litol-24. |
2. Prior to the beginning of assemblage check up an axial free wheeling of a shaft of an anchor, preliminary having gathered covers, the case and an anchor and having tightened nuts of coupling hairpins. Thus the anchor can be without a drive, and a forward cover – without the lever. |
3. The axial free wheeling of a shaft of an anchor at starter СТ-221 should be in limits
0,07–0,7 mm. Change of size of a free wheeling is reached by selection of quantity or a thickness of adjusting washers 22 (fig. of the Detail of a starter see), located on the forward end of a shaft of an anchor. |
4. At a starter 35.3708 axial free wheeling of a shaft of an anchor should be no more than 0,5 mm. It is regulated by selection of a thickness of an adjusting washer 5 (fig. of the Detail of a back part of a starter 35.3708 see), located between a lock washer of a shaft of an anchor and a cover from outside a collector. |
5. Having picked up adjusting washers, start assemblage which is carried out in an order, the return to dismantling. |
6. At starter СТ-221 put on isolating plastic tubes coupling hairpins, and at a starter 35.3708 – isolating plastic tube on the coupling bolt which is passing under the tyre of service coils статора. |
7. After assemblage check up a starter at the stand. |