3.8.1. Features of the deviceThe basic sizes of the block of cylinders
The block of cylinders is cast from special низколегированного high-strength pig-iron. Cylinders are chiseled directly in the block and no plug-in sleeves have. In the bottom part of the block of cylinders five support for radical bearings of a cranked shaft are located. Covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft are processed in gathering with the block of cylinders, therefore they невзаимозаменяемы and for distinction have risks on an external surface (Label fig. see covers of radical bearings and conditional number of the block of cylinders).
In a forward part of the block of cylinders the chain drive of a camshaft and the platen of a drive of auxiliary units (the oil pump, the distributor of ignition and the fuel pump) is placed. The platen rotates in two steel-aluminium plugs, запрессованных in the block of cylinders. Since 1984 the back plug is made from металлокерамики. In spare parts plugs of the nominal and repair size with internal diameter reduced by 0,3 mm are delivered.
The cavity of a drive of a camshaft is closed by a cover with forward самоподжимным an epiploon of a cranked shaft. Behind the holder of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft is attached to the block of cylinders.
From below the block of cylinders is closed steel stamped oil картером. Between the block of cylinders and картером, and also between the block of cylinders and a cover of a drive of a camshaft probko-rubber linings are established.