10.4.3. Check of detailsBefore assemblage all details wash out изопропиловым spirit; dry up their stream of compressed air or wipe a pure rag, without supposing their contact with mineral oil, kerosene or diesel fuel which can damage to sealants.
The prevention Time of washing of sealing rings in изопропиловом spirit no more than 20 with with the subsequent обдувкой compressed air.
The mirror of the cylinder and working surface of pistons should be absolutely pure without a rust, рисок and other defects. The increased backlash between the cylinder and pistons is inadmissible.
At each dismantling of the cylinder replace уплотнители new, even if by the form they in a good condition.
Check up elasticity of a spring of the piston which length should be: under loading 35+7 Н (3,5+0,7 кгс) – 36 mm, under loading 63,5+10 Н (6,35+1,0 кгс) – 21 mm, in a free condition – 57,5 mm.