1. Before assemblage grease plugs of an axis of the pendular lever and fill space between them greasing ЛИТОЛ-24. |
2. An assembly order of an arm of the pendular lever – return to dismantling. |
3. If the axis 9 (fig. the Cut of an arm of the pendular lever see) самоконтрящуюся a nut of 11 fastenings of the lever tighten динамометрическим a key has been replaced. |
4. A washer 6 establish выдавками upwards. |
5. After a tightening of a nut 4 lever in horizontal position should not rotate under the influence of a body weight. |
6. It should turn under the influence of force 9,8–19,6 Н (1–2 кгс), enclosed on its end. |
7. If the nut 4 has appeared drawn, turn away it, raise a washer 6 and again tighten. |
8. Having fixed an arm on a longeron two bolts with самоконтрящимися nuts and flat washers, tighten nuts динамометрическим a key. |
9. Connect spherical fingers of draughts to the pendular lever. |