9.2. Survey, check and steering adjustmentAt occurrence of malfunctions in a steering (the knocks, the raised free wheeling of a steering wheel or, on the contrary, its hard rotation etc.) examine steering details. Survey spend in a following order.
1. Clear of pollution of a detail of a steering drive and картер the steering mechanism. |
2. Establish wheels in the position corresponding to movement on a straight line. |
3. Turning a steering wheel in both parties, be convinced that:
– The free wheeling of a steering wheel does not exceed 5 ° (at gauging on a rim of a wheel no more than 18-20 mm);
– In hinges, connections and the steering mechanism there are no knocks;
– Fastening картера the steering mechanism and an arm of the pendular lever strongly (if necessary tighten carving connections);
– In spherical hinges of draught and in an arm of the pendular lever there is no free wheeling, and the shaft of a worm does not move in an axial direction;
– The effort of turn of a steering wheel (at installation of forward wheels on a smooth plate) does not exceed 196 Н (20 кгс). |
4. Turning adjusting муфты lateral draughts, be convinced of reliability of a tightening of their collars. |
5. Check up a condition of spherical hinges and rubber protective caps, as set forth below. |
Check of spherical hinges of steering draughts
1. First of all check up moving of tips of draughts along an axis of fingers. |
2. For this purpose, using the lever and a support, move a tip in parallel a finger axis. Axial moving of a tip concerning a finger should be 1–1,5 mm. Such moving testifies that the finger loose leaf is not jammed in a nest of a tip of draught and moves together with a finger, compressing a spring. |
3. The hinge with the jammed loose leaf replace. |
4. Shaking a steering wheel in both parties, to the touch check up absence of a free wheeling in hinges of steering draughts. |
5. If the free wheeling in the spherical hinge is felt, replace a tip of draught or steering draught in gathering. |
6. Check up a condition of protective rubber caps of spherical hinges of steering draughts. It is necessary to replace a cap, if it has cracks, ruptures or отслоения rubbers from a fringing, and also if greasing gets outside at squeezing by his hands. |
7. If protective caps in a good condition also provide cleanliness in hinges service life of the last practically is not limited. At hit in the hinge of a moisture, a dust etc. There is a premature deterioration of its details. |