6-3-2-5-proverka-mekhanicheskikh-dannykh.html Check of the mechanical data
1. Check up a dynamometer pressure of springs upon brushes which for new brushes should make 9,8±0,98 Н (1±0,1 кгс). |
2. If brushes are worn out to height of 12 mm replace them, preliminary having ground in to a collector. |
3. The axial free wheeling of a shaft of an anchor should be no more than 0,07-0,7 mm (0,5 mm for a starter 35.3708). If it is not in this limit disassemble a starter and pick up a thickness and quantity of adjusting washers. |
4. The starter drive should freely (without appreciable jammings) to move on шлицевому to the end of a shaft of an anchor and to come back from working position in initial under the influence of a returnable spring of an anchor of the relay. |
5. The anchor should not rotate at turn of a gear wheel of a drive in a direction of rotation of an anchor. The gear wheel should be turned concerning a shaft of an anchor under the influence of the moment no more than 27,4 Н·см (2,8 кгс·см). |