8.3.3. Check of a technical condition of detailsWash out gasoline or kerosene all details and dry.
Attentively check up conformity of details to following requirements:
– Disks of valves of compression and return, and also a plate перепускного the valve should not be deformed; неплоскостность plates перепускного the valve than 0,05 mm are supposed no more;
– Working surfaces of the piston, the piston ring, the directing plug of a rod, the cylinder and details of valves should be without задиров and забоин, able to affect normal work of the shock-absorber;
– Springs of valves of return and compression should be whole and elastic enough;
– Disks of the valve of compression should be whole and not have considerable deterioration;
– It is recommended to replace an epiploon at repair new.
All damaged details replace and start shock-absorber assemblage.