11.2.1. HeadlightsKind of a headlight without ободка
1 – facing ободок;
2 – the screw of fastening facing ободка;
3 – the screw of adjustment of a beam of light in a horizontal direction;
4 – the screw of adjustment of a beam of light in a vertical direction;
5 – screws of fastening of an optical element;
6 – an arm of fastening facing ободка;
7 – an oblong aperture under an arm 6 |
Replacement of lamps
1. Turn out the screw 2 (fig. the Kind of a headlight without ободка) fastenings facing ободка see and remove it, deducing from gearing with an arm 6. |
2. Ослабьте screws of 5 fastenings of an optical element of a headlight, turn ободок counter-clockwise and remove it. |
3. Take out an optical element of a headlight and replace a lamp. |
4. After lamp replacement establish an optical element so that скобы an optical element have entered into nests internal ободка headlights. |
The prevention Galogennye lamps can be established only in the special headlights intended for them.
At replacement галогенных lamps put on glove hands that on lamp glass there were no fatty traces from fingers. If such traces on a lamp are available, remove their spirit.
Adjustment of light of headlights
The scheme of adjustment of light of headlights
The direction of light bunches of headlights should be such that the road in front of the car has been well shined, and drivers of counter transport were not blinded at passing light inclusion. Headlights by rotation of screws 3, 4 which turn an optical element in vertical and horizontal planes are regulated.
It is the most convenient to regulate headlights by means of mobile optical devices. If they are not present, adjustment can be spent by means of the screen.
1. Put completely filled and equipped car, with loading 735 Н (75 кгс) on a seat of the driver, on an equal horizontal platform in 5 m from a smooth wall or any screen (a board of plywood in the size about 2х1 m, etc.) so that the axis of the car to it was perpendicular. Before a screen marking make sure that pressure of air in tyres normal, and then rock the car sideways that springs of suspension brackets were established. |
2. Will draw on the screen (fig. the Scheme of adjustment of light of headlights see) vertical lines: axial 0 and lines And and In, passing through the points corresponding to the centres of headlights. These lines should be symmetric concerning an axial line of the car. At height h, corresponding to distance of the centres of headlights from a floor, spend a line 1 and below it on 80 cм a line of 2 centres of light stains. |
3. Remove facing ободки headlights and include a passing light. Consistently, at first for the right headlight (left by something it is closed or disconnected from a plait of wires), and then for left (the right is closed) adjust screws 3 (see fig. the Kind of a headlight without ободка) and 4 light bunches of headlights. |
4. At correctly adjusted headlights the top border of light stains should coincide with a line 2 (fig. the Scheme of adjustment of light of headlights see), and points of intersection of horizontal and inclined sites of light stains – with lines And and Century |
5. Check up, whether the headlight joins. |
6. Switch off headlights and establish facing ободки. |