VAZ 2101, 2102
1. Specifications
2. Operation and service
3. The engine
4. Fuel system
5. Ignition system
6. Start and gymnastics system
7. Transmission
7.1. Coupling
7.2. A transmission
7.3. Kardannaja transfer
7.3.1. Features of the device
7.3.2. Removal and installation
7.3.3. Check of a technical condition without dismantling
7.3.4. Dismantling
7.3.5. Check of a technical condition
7.3.6. Assemblage
7.3.7. Balancing of shaft
7.3.8. Possible malfunctions карданной transfers
7.4. The back bridge
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. An electric equipment
12. A body
13. Features of repair
14. Appendices



7.3.4. Dismantling

1. Put labels (a paint or a core), defining mutual position of divided details to connect them at assemblage in the same position and to keep invariable balancing of shaft.
2. Establish in a vice forward карданный a shaft. Remove lock rings.

The prevention

Before dismantling карданных hinges put labels on lock rings and corresponding plugs that at assemblage to establish rings on former places.

3. Выпрессуйте cases of bearings from a plug карданного the hinge, using a clamp 3 67.7823.9522 (1 needle bearing, 2 – a plug карданного the hinge) or выколотку with a hammer.
4. Turn away a nut of fastening of a plug карданного the hinge to a forward shaft. Remove a plug a stripper 1 А.40005/1/5 (2 – stripper levers; 3 – a plug forward карданного a shaft; 4 – forward карданный a shaft).
5. Under a press, with the help подкладных half rings, remove from a forward shaft an intermediate support in a complex with the bearing and пылеотражателем (1 – шлицевой the end forward карданного a shaft; 2 – an intermediate elastic support; 3 – подкладные half rings; 4 – a press punch).
6. For dismantling of an intermediate support remove a lock ring (1 – a lock ring; 2 – the bearing; 3 – an elastic support).
7. Stripper А.40005/2/4/11 выпрессуйте the bearing from a support (1 – lath А.40005/2; 2 – pads А.40005/11; 3 – stripper А.40005/4; 4 – a pad; 5 – an elastic support).
8. Disassemble a back shaft, using the above described receptions.

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7.3.3. Check of a technical condition without dismantling
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7.3.5. Check of a technical condition