Deformation of an axis of the bottom lever |
1. Deformation of an axis of the bottom lever is defined by survey. |
Deformation of a cross-beam of a forward suspension bracket |
2. Turn away a nut of fastening of axes of the bottom levers so that in the received backlash between a remote washer 28 (fig. the Forward suspension bracket see) and привалочной the calliper leg, closely to a core of a forward bolt was located with a cross-beam surface. |
3. Measure length of a cross-beam between planes of installation of axes of the bottom levers (left and right), in a zone of forward bolts. The distance should be 611±1 mm. |
4. If the cross-beam is deformed so that corners of installation of wheels do not give in to adjustment – replace a cross-beam. |
Condition резинометаллических hinges |
5. Be convinced of absence of deformation of levers of a suspension bracket, an axis of the bottom lever, a cross-beam, and then will hang out forward wheels of the car. |
6. Measure radial displacement And (fig. condition Check резинометаллического the hinge of the lever of a forward suspension bracket see) the external plug 2, concerning the internal plug 6, and distance In between a persistent washer 5 and an external end face of the external plug 2. |
7. Rezinometallichesky hinges are subject to replacement:
– At impossibility of the further adjustment of disorder of wheels (when all washers from under an axis of the bottom lever are removed);
– At ruptures and unilateral «выпучивании» rubbers;
– If radial displacement And exceeds 2,5 mm;
– If the size In does not keep within limits of 3-7,5 mm for the bottom lever, 1,5–5 mm for the top lever. |
8. If the size In leaves for the specified limits, check up correctness запрессовки резинометаллического the hinge in a lever nest. |
Backlash in the top spherical hinges |
9. The backlash in the top spherical hinges is checked by means of the adaptation 02.8701.9500. Establish the car on an equal horizontal platform with a firm covering, lift the right forward part of the car and remove a wheel. |
10. Substitute under the bottom spherical hinge wooden колодку 10 (fig. see Has stood a backlash in the top spherical hinge the adaptation 02.8701.9500) height 190 mm and lower on it the car. |
11. Establish the plug 9 on a nut of the bolt of fastening of the top hinge nearest to a casing, put on the plug the basis 8 and slightly fix its screw 4. |
12. Moving the adaptation, establish рычажок 3 in vertical position so that its bottom end rested against a protective casing of 2 brakes, and tighten the screw 4. |
13. Establish in a rack of the basis 8 indicator 7 against the stop its legs in рычажок 3, with a tightness of 2-3 mm, and tighten a bolt 6. |
14. Attach an arm 16 to a nave 15 two bolts of fastening of a wheel, put on динамометрический a key 1 on шестигранную a head of an axis of an arm 16 and, the moment 196 Н·м (20 кгс·м), turn a key to the car and from it, both indications of the indicator summarise. |
15. Total indications of the indicator should not exceed 0,8 mm. |
16. Repeat operations for a suspension bracket of the left forward wheel. |
Condition of the bottom spherical hinges |
17. Establish the car on an equal horizontal platform with a firm covering and, having lifted the right forward part of the car, remove a wheel. |
18. Put under a nave 1 wooden колодку 5, height 280 mm, and lower on it the car, clear the bottom part of the hinge of a dust and a dirt and turn out a conic stopper (fig. the Scheme of check of the bottom spherical hinges see). |
19. Measure глубиномером a calliper of 4 distance «h» as is shown in the scheme. |
20. Repeat operations for a suspension bracket of the left forward wheel. |
21. If h11,3 mm the hinge remove from the car and carefully examine. On the hinge case there should not be cracks, and in greasing – a dirt. In the presence of a dirt in greasing, cracks on the hinge case, and also at h11,8 mm – the hinge replace. |