1. Remove a returnable spring 7 (fig. the Kind on the carburettor from outside a drive throttle заслонок see) the lever limiting opening throttle заслонки of the secondary chamber. Расшплинтуйте also disconnect from the lever throttle заслонки draught 8. |
2. Disconnect a rod 9 pneumodrives from the lever of a drive throttle заслонки the secondary chamber. |
3. Having compressed a spring of telescopic draught 4, disconnect it from the three-humeral lever 3 drives air заслонки. |
4. Turn out screws and disconnect from the case of the carburettor a cover with a lining, trying not to damage it and a float. |
5. Having turned out fastening screws, disconnect from the case of the carburettor the case throttle заслонок, trying not to damage запрессованные in the case transitive plugs fuel-air of channels of the carburettor and a nest of plugs. Cautiously disconnect теплоизоляционную a lining. |
Carburettor cover |
6. Оправкой cautiously push out an axis 16 (fig. of the Detail of a cover of the carburettor see) float 17 of racks (to push out towards a rack with a cut) and take out an axis flat-nose pliers with smooth sponges. Trying not to damage float uvulas, remove it with the needle valve 15. |
7. Remove a lining of 11 covers, turn out a saddle 14 needle valves, turn away a stopper 13 and take out the fuel filter 12. |
8. Disconnect from the lever of an axis 8 air заслонки telescopic draught 7 and draught 19 drives of the starting arrangement. |
9. Turn away two screws of fastening of the case 6 starting arrangements and remove it. |
10. Turn away three screws of fastening of a cover 2 starting arrangements and uncover with the adjusting screw 1 and a spring 3. |
11. Cнимите a diaphragm 4. |
The case throttle заслонок |
12. Ввыверните the screw 14 (fig. of the Detail of the case throttle заслонок the carburettor see) idling adjustments. |
13. Turn away screws of fastening of the plug 17 screws of quantity of a mix of system of idling and remove it together with the screw 16. |
14. Unbend a short moustache of a lock washer and turn away a nut of fastening of levers on an axis заслонки the primary chamber. |
15. Remove from an axis заслонки the primary chamber a lock washer, levers 1, 2, 4 both 21 with washers and the plug 3, and then поджимную a spring 20 zolotniks and a zolotnik 19. |
16. Turn away a nut of fastening of levers on an axis throttle заслонки the secondary chamber, remove levers 5, 7 with washers and a spring 6. |
The carburettor case |
17. Turn out the screw of fastening of the lever 24 (fig. of the Detail of the case of the carburettor see) drive air заслонки, remove the lever and a spring 23, disconnect from the lever draught 25. |
18. Turn out screws, крепящие a cover 21 accelerating pumps, uncover with the lever and a diaphragm 20 accelerating pumps with a returnable spring 19. |
19. Turn out the main air jets 10 and 12, turn the case and, slightly tapping on it, shake out from wells эмульсионные tubes 11 and 13. |
20. Turn away the case of 6 and 18 jets and take out them together with jets 5 and 17. |
21. Turn away the valve-screw 9 and remove a spray 8 accelerating pumps with linings, turn out the adjusting screw 16. |
22. Take out small диффузоры 7 and 22. |
23. Turn out the main fuel jets 14 and 15. |
24. Turn out screws of fastening of an arm 2 and remove a pneumodrive throttle заслонки the secondary chamber. |
25. Turn away three screws of fastening of a cover 4 pneumodrives and remove it, and then a spring and a diaphragm 3 with a rod 1. |