4.2.1. Features of the device The scheme of the main dosing out system of the carburettor and эконостата
Эконостат is in the secondary chamber of the carburettor. On the scheme it is conditionally shown in the primary chamber.
1 – эмульсионный a jet эконостата;
2 – эмульсионный the channel эконостата;
3 – an air jet of the main dosing out system;
4 – an air jet эконостата;
5 – a fuel jet эконостата;
6 – the needle valve;
7 – a float axis;
8 – a ball запорной needles;
9 – a float;
10 – поплавковая the chamber;
11 – the main fuel jet;
12 – эмульсионный a well;
13 – эмульсионная a tube;
14 – an axis throttle заслонки the primary chamber;
15 – a zolotnik flute;
16 – a zolotnik;
17 – big диффузор;
18 – small диффузор;
19 – a spray |
The scheme of system of idling of the carburettor
1 – the case throttle заслонок;
2 – throttle заслонка the primary chamber;
3 – apertures of transitive modes;
4 – an aperture regulated by the screw;
5 – the air intake channel;
6 – the adjusting screw of quantity of a mix;
7 – the adjusting screw of structure (quality) of a mix; |
8 – эмульсионный the channel of system of idling;
9 – the adjusting screw of additional air;
10 – a cover of the case of the carburettor;
11 – an air jet of system of idling;
12 – a fuel jet of system of idling;
13 – the fuel channel of system of idling;
14 – эмульсионный a well |
The scheme of the accelerating pump
1 – the valve-screw;
2 – a spray;
3 – the fuel channel;
4 – перепускной a jet;
5 – поплавковая the chamber;
6 – кулачек a drive of the accelerating pump;
7 – the drive lever;
8 – a returnable spring;
9 – a diaphragm cup;
10 – a pump diaphragm;
11 – the inlet ball valve;
12 – the chamber of steams of gasoline |
The scheme диафрагменного the starting arrangement
1 – the lever of a drive air заслонки;
2 – air заслонка;
3 – an air branch pipe of the primary chamber of the carburettor;
4 – draught;
5 – a starting arrangement rod;
6 – a starting arrangement diaphragm;
7 – the adjusting screw of the starting arrangement;
8 – a cavity informed with задроссельным by space;
9 – telescopic draught;
10 – a control lever заслонками;
11 – the lever; |
12 – an axis throttle заслонки the primary chamber;
13 – the lever on an axis заслонки the primary chamber;
14 – the lever;
15 – an axis throttle заслонки the secondary chamber;
16 – throttle заслонка the secondary chamber;
17 – the case throttle заслонок;
18 – a control lever throttle заслонкой the secondary chamber;
19 – draught;
20 – a pneumodrive |
The scheme of a pneumatic drive throttle заслонки the secondary chamber
1 – the jet of a pneumodrive located in диффузоре of the primary chamber;
2 – a control lever заслонками;
3 – the lever rigidly connected with an axis throttle заслонки of the primary chamber;
4 – the lever limiting opening throttle заслонки of the secondary chamber;
5 – the jet of a pneumodrive located in диффузоре of the secondary chamber;
6 – the lever connected with the lever 9 through spring;
7 – an axis throttle заслонки the secondary chamber;
8 – a pneumodrive rod;
9 – a control lever throttle заслонкой the secondary chamber;
10 – the channel of a supply of depression in a pneumodrive;
11 – the rod plug;
12 – a pneumodrive throttle заслонки the secondary chamber |
Till 1974 on cars VAZ-2101,-2102 carburettors 2101-1107010 (number is cast on the bottom flange of the case of the carburettor) were established. Since 1974 on 1976 (inclusive) on these cars carburettors 2101-1107010-02 were applied, and since 1977 on 1980 carburettors 2101-1107010-03 were established.
All these carburettors had basically the identical device and differed with diameters of some jets, and on first two carburettors the disbalance valve поплавковой chambers was established still.
Since 1980 on cars the carburettor 210-1107010-20 (type "Ozone") began to be applied. It differed from old carburettors in diameters of jets, presence of a pneumodrive throttle заслонки the secondary chamber and introduction of a branch pipe for depression selection to a vacuum regulator of the distributor of ignition.
In the early eighties the carburettor 2105-1101010-10 without a branch pipe of selection of depression to a vacuum regulator of the distributor of ignition also was issued. It was delivered in spare parts for installation on engines at which there was a distributor of ignition Р125 without a vacuum regulator.
In the present chapter the carburettor 2105-1107010-20 as it was established on the majority of cars is described, and old carburettors any more are not issued for a long time.
The carburettor 2105-1107010-20 эмульсионного type, two-chamber, with a falling stream. The carburettor has balanced поплавковую the chamber, system отсоса картерных gases for throttle заслонку.
In the carburettor there are two main dosing out systems (fig. the Scheme of the main dosing out system of the carburettor see and эконостата) primary and secondary mixing chambers, idling system (fig. the Scheme of system of idling of the carburettor see) primary mixing chamber, transitive system of the secondary mixing chamber, the concentrating device (эконостат), диафрагменный the accelerating pump (fig. the Scheme of the accelerating pump) with a mechanical drive see and диафраменное the starting arrangement (fig. the Scheme диафрагменного the starting arrangement see) start-up of the cold engine. Throttle заслонка the secondary chamber has a pneumatic drive (fig. the Scheme of a pneumatic drive throttle заслонки the secondary chamber see).
Tarirovochnye data of the carburettor 2105-1107010-20
The chamber
The chamber
Diameter диффузора, mm |
Number тарировки a spray |
Diameter of the main fuel jet, mm |
Diameter of the main air jet, mm |
Number тарировки эмульсионной tubes |
Diameter of a fuel jet of idling, mm |
Diameter of an air jet of idling, mm |
Diameter of a spray of the accelerating pump, mm |
Diameter перепускного a jet of the accelerating pump, mm |
Productivity of the accelerating pump for 10 full courses, sm3 |
7 ± 25 %
Diameter of a fuel jet эконостата, mm |
Diameter of an air jet эконостата, mm |
Diameter эмульсионного a jet эконостата, mm |
Diameter of an air jet of the starting arrangement, mm |
Distance of a float from a cover of the carburettor with a lining, mm |
6,5 ± 0,25